Although it sounds cold at first to set your database up like a manufacturing assembly line, it’s critical to do so to ensure that the best prospects are converted to clients who follow your plan and become part of your database’s best asset: your happy past client list! GRAB OUR FREE COURSES 6 Steps To […]
Many real estate agents don’t understand that the true future value of their business will be built and maintained inside of their database. If an investor where to be interested in buying your book of business or even agency, it’s critical to be able to demonstrate the monetary value of each contact and that you […]
Too many agents believe that it’s ok to make a marketing promise and not truly fulfill on that offer. For those that understand the benefit of a true and thorough fulfillment that focuses on giving away their best information for free, there will be a master key that ultimately unlocks the door of trust and […]
When agents think about getting their message out they, they quickly default to the Internet as their primary Media and dive deeply into Social Media in particular. It’s far better to start by thinking about which media is the best delivery vehicle for your offer that will help you create real prospects who have a […]
When creating your message you must believe that you can and will be unique. When you realize that most aggressive marketers are too pushy and often use bait and switch techniques you’ll realize very quickly that by simply being honest and striving to truly serve sellers and buyers you’ll be able to create a highly […]
The fatal flaw that many real estate agents make when they begin their marketing is to believe that their ideal client is anybody that will do business with them. The best marketing begins with a clear avatar that gives your marketing an exact landing place like a guided missel. GRAB OUR FREE COURSES 6 Steps […]
When considering how to market their businesses many real estate agents make the dreaded mistake of saying, ‘I’ll go anywhere! The best strategy is to start off with a strategic approach that begins with researching the Multiple Listing Service to ensure that the preferred geography offers enough transactions without being too broad. GRAB OUR FREE […]
Too many agents base their business plan on doing business only with family, friends and their referrals. This unfortunately leads to a very mediocre result for most. Therefore, you must learn how to do business with people that you don’t know in order to create a more consistent, predictable and profitable business! GRAB OUR FREE […]
When starting your real estate business you might be excited about the company you’ve joined and the training, coaching and mentoring that is promised everywhere; however, it’s critical to remember that Nobody’s Coming For You! You must build your won plan for success and execute on that plan each and every day! GRAB OUR FREE […]
When you start your real estate agent business you need to set a clear gross commission income goal and set it as your north star. Your goal should be big enough to compel you to grow, but realistic enough to be in alignment with what’s possible in your target market. Real pros always tie their […]